
When I won the stunning white Delta Fusion 82 in Leigh Reyes’s “Pens For Aid” online auction to benefit Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda victims, I won much more than a beautiful pen.

Leigh included an assortment of her own goodies, along with the pen, as her way of saying “thank you.” The notebooks, nibs, and case are very cool, but what I appreciate most is her original artwork- especially the piece that proclaims “You are stronger than you can imagine.”

Extra goodies


It’s been a trying week— a difficult week— and it’s only Wednesday. Yesterday afternoon I was present while one of my beloved 14-year old kitties was put to sleep. It was horrible— as these things always are— but sweet Sophie and I both knew that it was time. And now, a day later, we’re both in a better place.

As I’ve stepped away from the raw awfulness of that experience, Leigh’s artful, colorful, and inspiring words have been looping through my head.

“You are stronger than you can imagine.”

"You are stronger..."

I guess I am. And so are you. And so are we.

The pen community— our pen community— never ceases to amaze me for the way we encourage, entertain, care for, and comfort each other.

Pens are great, but pen people are greater.

With deep appreciation, to Leigh, and to all of you.


16 thoughts on “Community

  1. Oh Mary, my heart aches for you! I know what that is like which is why I can no longer have cats. It just breaks my heart so much…

    • Thanks, Carrie. I’m thankful for our healthy pets at home. They sure do show me how to have fun and that life goes on. Great teachers!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. It is so hard to lose a member of our “fur family”. Not quite a year ago, I had to put my 13 year old dog, Ripley, to sleep and it was a very tearful season for sure. It’s ironic because I received so much kindness from “pen people” during that time, and it really did make a difference. I’m glad for the timing of your parcel’s arrival, because something like that really does bring a ray of sunshine to a difficult time. What a lovely and generous package from Leigh. Something to smile about. Something to feel good about. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss. Blessings to you.

  3. Sorry for the loss of your pet. Having pets is always a bit of a hard bargain for us owners because we know, even when their puppies or kitties, that they’ll live their wholes lives during a fraction of our own and that we will one day have to make the call. One of my favorite bloggers (Andrew Sullivan) recently collected stories of the end for family pets as he worked through his own dog’s aging and death. Take a look.

    • Thanks, Todd! Andrew’s site is quite a touching read. It’s always good to know that we’re not alone in these hard times. Thanks for passing it along.

  4. I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved kitty. My sister had to put down one of her dogs last fall and it just about broke my heart in half. It is so hard to say goodbye to anyone we love, pet or people, even though we’re better off for having shared our lives with them. I miss my Rocky so much, but he gave me 13 years of joy when I was able to visit my family. I hope you have found comfort in your memories.

  5. Pingback: Hocus-Pocus: Delta Fusion 82 | From the Pen Cup

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