What I Love About Stationery: An Incomplete List

I really enjoyed this week’s “Pen Addict” podcast episode where Brad and Myke discussed what they love about stationery. Which made me brainstorm my own list. Which made me write out that list in my journal to share here, copycat that I am.

Morning pages

Mood journaling (new for 2023)

Sheening inks

Birmingham Pen Co. Quantum Teal
Birmingham Pen Co. Emerald Fusion

Broad nibs

TWSBI Draco <B>

Letters and postcards


A collection I’ve created
A collection I’ve purchased

Pocket notebooks

Filled and filed

Double-ended pens

Analog calendars/planners

Disc-bound notebooks

Circa by Levenger (stickered by Mary)

Products that make me laugh

Titanium nibs

Cards and notes

Killing the winter doldrums with color and good wishes! (Never underestimate the power of a card/note/letter/postcard.)

Honestly, this is just the tip of the iceberg, an admittedly incomplete list. I haven’t mentioned pencils (wooden and mechanical), machined pens, Ultem pens, colored pencils, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

And pen pals, pen friends, and pen shows.

You all are THE BEST—even better than the sheeniest ink.

In a nutshell…